New Mexico elk, coues deer, mule deer, antelope, ibex, barbary sheep, desert and rocky mtn sheep, oryx and turkey hunts


The "piebald" is a rare genetic color mutation that appears like partial albinism. Since ancient times, white animals held a special place in human society and are prominent and even sacred in many cultures.
Animals with the piebald mutation lack pigmentation in certain parts of their bodies. A spotting pattern often occurs with the intermixing of pigmented and non-pigmented hair, skin, or feathers. Piebald animals often have very stunning and distinguishing patterns.
The magnificent piebald elk pictured here was taken by Katy Weaver on a muzzleloader hunt in Arizona in October of 2016. She was guided by her brother, Toby Weaver, owner and operator of Antler Canyon Outfitters. This elk is of world class size. If official records were kept for color mutated animals, could very well be aWorld Record. The piebald trait in elk occurs in about 1 out of every 100,000 animals. The Rocky Mountain Elk is so uniquely beautiful and majestic in and of itself but the piebald is particularly breathtaking. Truly a class of its own.